Darren Goins
Tr🌋nodal Hos🌴
November 13 - December 7, 2014
Curated and organized by Lisa Marie Pomares

DARREN GOINS (b .1984) currently lives and works in Los Angeles, CA. Goins’ recent solo exhibitions include Hezi Cohen Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel; Hap Gallery, Portland, OR; Enter Gallery, NYC; Van Every Smith Gallery, NC; The Carillon, NC. Recent group exhibitions include Invisible Exports, NYC; Help, NYC; Fortress to Solitude, NYC; and SECCA, NC. Goins was a 2011 recipient of the EAF 11 residency program at Socrates Sculpture Park, NY.
Drawing from images collected and sorted from online databases, emoji libraries, art history and rubbings collected from an immediate natural environment, and while using a variety of techniques: computer controlled milling machine, cast and molded textural objects; Darren Goins’ works on acrylic meld a mental landscape of internet driven images with rough and visceral processing. The output becomes a visual gorge in low relief that distorts process and medium. Within the three dimensional drawings, planes collide causing shifts through harmony or rift against one another creating tectonic buttressing and divisional crevasses, and yet reference to landscape extends to cultural landscape whilst confounded through physical meshing. The works force a perceptual aberration where the placidity of language and image are in perpetual vacillation.