Darren Goins
A Warm Screen
+ book launch of
gaze stretching as far as there is to go and then it disappears
February 15 - March 23, 2019
Inside The House on Sunset

DARREN GOINS (born 1984, North Carolina) lives and works in Los Angeles, CA. He received his B.F.A. from University of North Carolina at Charlotte in 2009. Selected solo exhibitions include Operands, Johannes Vogt, New York, NY, 2018; Reverse Painting, Martin Lawrence Galleries, La Jolla, CA, 2017; Command Shift 4, Hezi Cohen Gallery, Tel Aviv, 2015; Trinodal Host, Whitcher Projects, Los Angeles, CA, 2014; Continuous Glissando, Hap Gallery, Portland, OR, 2014; and The Close Proximity Is Giving Way to More Separation, Enter, New York, NY, 2011. Selected group exhibitions include (real evening nuoyancy), Diane Rosenstein Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, 2017; Ruediger Schoettle, Munich, Germany, 2015; Multiplicity, Invisible Exports, New York, NY, 2014; and Transparency, Sonce Alexander Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, 2014.
THE NEWSSTAND PROJECT is pleased to present A WARM SCREEN, a site-specific exhibition of new sculptures by Los Angeles-based artist DARREN GOINS. Concurrent to this exhibition, Goins will launch a new limited edition artist book gaze stretching as far as there is to go and then it disappears. A WARM SCREEN will be on view from February 15th to March 23rd, 2019 at The House on Sunset, located at 9169 Sunset Blvd., West Hollywood, CA. 90069.
The centerpiece of A WARM SCREEN is a large-scale assemblage sculpture consisting of various-sized, colored neon lights hung from the ceiling, shrouded in an embroidered opaque hanging fabric created by the artist. Markedly vivid and experiential, the light from Goins’ three dimensional collage of clustered neons begin to melt together behind their cylindrical defusing veil, creating a unified glowing mass. The layers upon layers of radiant neon glyphs are then reflected onto the surfaces of the two wall sculptures that also occupy the gallery, doubling as both post-minimal artworks as well as displays for Goins’ recently published book gaze stretching as far as there is to go and then it disappears.
Acting as catalog of years of unique images created by Goins, gaze stretching as far as there is to go and then it disappears is an index of repurposed digital images, collaged and decollaged together throughout the book’s pages. A vibrant and invitingly mysterious collection of images, Goins treats each page as its own composition, creating a tactile archive of digitally-derived patterns and motifs that form a visual language and sensibility all their own.
DARREN GOINS (born 1984, North Carolina) lives and works in Los Angeles, CA. He received his B.F.A. from University of North Carolina at Charlotte in 2009. Selected solo exhibitions include Operands, Johannes Vogt, New York, NY, 2018; Reverse Painting, Martin Lawrence Galleries, La Jolla, CA, 2017; Command Shift 4, Hezi Cohen Gallery, Tel Aviv, 2015; Trinodal Host, Whitcher Projects, Los Angeles, CA, 2014; Continuous Glissando, Hap Gallery, Portland, OR, 2014; and The Close Proximity Is Giving Way to More Separation, Enter, New York, NY, 2011. Selected group exhibitions include (real evening nuoyancy), Diane Rosenstein Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, 2017; Ruediger Schoettle, Munich, Germany, 2015; Multiplicity, Invisible Exports, New York, NY, 2014; and Transparency, Sonce Alexander Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, 2014.
THE NEWSSTAND PROJECT is pleased to present A WARM SCREEN, a site-specific exhibition of new sculptures by Los Angeles-based artist DARREN GOINS. Concurrent to this exhibition, Goins will launch a new limited edition artist book gaze stretching as far as there is to go and then it disappears. A WARM SCREEN will be on view from February 15th to March 23rd, 2019 at The House on Sunset, located at 9169 Sunset Blvd., West Hollywood, CA. 90069.
The centerpiece of A WARM SCREEN is a large-scale assemblage sculpture consisting of various-sized, colored neon lights hung from the ceiling, shrouded in an embroidered opaque hanging fabric created by the artist. Markedly vivid and experiential, the light from Goins’ three dimensional collage of clustered neons begin to melt together behind their cylindrical defusing veil, creating a unified glowing mass. The layers upon layers of radiant neon glyphs are then reflected onto the surfaces of the two wall sculptures that also occupy the gallery, doubling as both post-minimal artworks as well as displays for Goins’ recently published book gaze stretching as far as there is to go and then it disappears.
Acting as catalog of years of unique images created by Goins, gaze stretching as far as there is to go and then it disappears is an index of repurposed digital images, collaged and decollaged together throughout the book’s pages. A vibrant and invitingly mysterious collection of images, Goins treats each page as its own composition, creating a tactile archive of digitally-derived patterns and motifs that form a visual language and sensibility all their own.